ASI Student Government

Mission Statement
"Associated Students, Inc. provides responsible and effective leadership for a diverse student population and makes sound decisions for the betterment of California State University, East Bay students. The governing body acts as the official student voice."

ASI makes funds and resources available for events that broaden educational, social, political, and cultural awareness on campus while enhancing the experiences of students at California State University, East Bay.

We also advocate for the welfare of our students by working to enhance the spirit of the student population by responding to student needs and offering opportunities that develop leadership skills through out-of classroom activities.

Our Student Government actively works to insure students participate in the consideration of all university programs and budget related issues. Student representation on the Academic Senate and all university boards and committees provides the input needed to assist in formulating decisions that are in the best interest of the student population

ASI student government
ASI is proud to be an active Member of the California State Students Association
cssa logo   board pic